



Item No. 18090-51
Micro Bead Sterilizer with Glass Beads

14 x 14.5 x 21.5cm

Micro Bead Research Sterilizer with Glass Beads; 230V (Tall Model)

Micro Bead Sterilizer is ideal for the sterilization of bigger research tools (forceps, scissors, etc.). When the chamber is filled with the included glass beads, high temperatures (up to 300° C) can be used to eliminate the presence of bacteria, spores and other micro-organisms. The typical exposure time is about 10 seconds for sterilization of commonly used items, such as forceps, scissors, tweezers, scalpels, inoculation loops, etc.

This product is designed for research use only.

Not intended for clinical use.

  • Digital control, up to 300° C
  • Includes Glass beads (150 g)
  • Temperature range: 100 to 300° C 

四球摩擦磨损试验机| 便携式短路接地线| 标准溶液定制| 槽钢三面冲| 纳赫特离心机| 磁粉沉淀池| 搪玻璃反应釜| 伸缩隔离带| 生物试剂灌装机| 欢迎光临工程机械网| 拉线位移传感器| 重庆抗震支架| 恒温恒湿试验箱| CIRS躯干模体| PES聚醚砜折叠滤芯| 数字压力传感器| 淄博除尘器厂家| 电动滚筒厂家| 【山东凯斯锐】专注于钢结构智能设备| 气动分度头| 护栏网| 气管插管训练模型| LUCEO鲁机欧| 越野滑雪板| 集装箱活动房| 竖流式气浮设备| CPM374平板检测仪| 铝棒剥皮机| 电源适配器厂家价格批发| 山东磨具| 光电检测传感器| 电导率电极| 包头空调软管生产厂家| 动物行为分析软件| 叠加式溢流阀| 恒温加热板| 测土配方施肥仪厂家| 淘气堡招商加盟| 60Si2Mn| 水泥制管机「生产厂家」| 塑料阀门|