



Item No. 18090-46
Micro Bead Sterilizer with Glass Beads

13 x 14.5 x 15.5cm

Micro Bead Research Sterilizer with Glass Beads; 230V

Micro Bead Sterilizer is ideal for the sterilization of bigger research tools (forceps, scissors, etc.). When the chamber is filled with the included glass beads, high temperatures (up to 300° C) can be used to eliminate the presence of bacteria, spores and other micro-organisms. The typical exposure time is about 10 seconds for sterilization of commonly used items, such as forceps, scissors, tweezers, scalpels, inoculation loops, etc.

This product is designed for research use only.

Not intended for clinical use.

  • Digital control, up to 300° C
  • Includes Glass beads (150 g)

  • Temperature range: 100 to 300° C 

回流轨参数检测仪| 超低温磁性液位计| 3+3变频电缆| 低浓度恒温恒湿称量系统| 搅拌站电动滚筒| 红外一氧化碳分析仪| 湿法混合造粒机| 高防护蠕动泵| 小儿疝修补针| 光伏设备厂家| 嵌入式主板| 双色石英管液位计| 不锈钢轮椅电子秤| 生物制药旋转蒸发仪| STM566SATRA拉力试验机| 不锈钢隔膜阀| 移动式皮带机生产厂家| 接触角测试仪| 工程塑料隔膜泵| 付费率电表| 爬架| 倍莱专注机械立体停车场投融资租赁经营管理| 液压气动真空电磁阀| 420电热恒温水槽| 便携式压力表校验器| 纸张抗张强度试验仪| 合肥代理记账| 显微镜冷热台| 苏州市远大净化设备厂| BERTHOLD伯托传感器| 循环水式多用真空泵| 高精度电子计数秤| 手提式强光巡检工作灯| 阿里巴巴信用贷款| 厂家| 挥发性有机采样器| 河北变频器维修| 不锈钢法兰| 液位探头| 哈希代理商| 电磁失电制动器|